Do you know those positive and self-motivated people who seem to accomplish everything they set their eyes on? Well, now you can be one yourself! Get a positive, can-do attitude easily with a few new habits. These habits aim to grow your self-confidence and help you to be someone who gets results!
Habits of a can-do attitude and growth mindset.
How to plan, persist and have purpose.
How to focus your attention and improve your decision making.
How to build your relationships.
The course is based on the best-selling book Business Express: Being positive: Developing a can-do attitude that makes things happen by Mike Clayton published by Pearson. Funzi's learning experts have transformed the book into a mobile-optimized course consisting of bite-sized learning content.
Pearson is the global leader in education content.
Plan, persist and have purpose Find out how habits can improve your positivity, energy levels and even your confidence. Discover strategies to help you handle challenges, while still feeling motivated and productive.
Be proactive, make progress and value people Develop your growth mindset and decide which choices are best for you. Learn how to respond to challenges, become more adaptable and understand how to develop positive and fair relationships.
When you complete the course you’ll earn a Funzi certificate of achievement. You can showcase your certificate by mentioning it in your CV, Linkedin profile and other professional profiles.
Practical skills broken down into bite-sized learning, so that you can complete the course with only 15 min/day for 1 WEEK
Course content in the form of text, visuals, and activities to verify your learning
Access to the course anytime, as long as you want, once you’ve purchased the course
“Powerful ”
Siphamandla Lindokuhle Mthembu
South Africa
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